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    The 14th International Day

    School News

    06 Jun, 2019

    10 : 00

    • The 14th International Day

      The 14th International Day is held on May 31 on YWIES Yantai campus. It is the day for our students to understand and stay connected with different cultures of the world. This annual event not only enhanced the harmonious environment of YWIES Yantai, but also provided opportunities for students to appreciate the immersion of the Eastern and Western cultures, as well as develop the sense of being a global citizen.

      Cultural Show

      Students and teachers of Yew Wah prepared a Cultural Show that consisted of unique performances of 13 countries and cultures, including China, Fiji, Peru and Greece, etc. In the performances from Chinese orchestra to Western dance, participating children from ECE to Upper Secondary demonstrated the true meaning of Yew Wah’s holistic education and mix of Eastern and Western cultures.

      Global Food and Cultural Fair

      In this event, we had 15 food and cultural booths representing 15 countries in the Fair. Parents, students and teachers actively participated in this cultural feast, showcasing the multicultural environment of Yew Wah.

      During the preparation of the event, students drew lots to decide which country they were going to represent. They worked together in studying the country’s history, culture and current development. In the end, they presented their learning outcome through the Fair. Many senior students initiated the whole project themselves. This is what Yew Wah has been working on: to make children learn happily and proactively and become lifelong self-learners.