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    How To Apply

    Policies and Placement

    YWIES Yantai adopts a non-discriminatory policy and accepts applications from all qualified students from different backgrounds. Applicants will be interviewed to determine their academic level and language skills. This will allow the School to understand and meet the needs of students.


    We offer ECE from K3 to K5, Primary and Secondary education from Grade 1 to Grade 13.


    How to Apply

    As an international boarding and day school serving a diverse global market, YWIES Yantai accepts applications throughout the year.
    Please apply online or download and complete the Student Application Form and submit the following documents to our Admissions Office in person, by mail or fax. The Admissions Office will process your application upon receipt of required information and you will be notified of a placement test and interview schedule.


    Please feel free to contact the Admissions Office at:



    Tel: (0535) 638 6667 (Chinese) / 638 3431 (Korean).



    Tel: (0535) 638 3841


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