School News
School News
18 Sep, 2018
10 : 00
During the first weeks at kindergarten, teachers focus on helping the new students acclimate to their classroom environment and building their comfort and confidence. To do this, we provide many play opportunities to engage their interest and develop their independence. The children are encouraged to make their own play choices and to interact with their new friends and teachers.
Bilingual time is a time when we greet the children, ask them how they are doing and let them share how they feel. We also sing songs, talk about the weather, days of the week and the calendar. It is also a time when we cover a project. Projects are chosen by the students based on their interests. Teachers then facilitate learning about that topic through hands-on activities and games.
During outdoor play time, our children move from one activity to another as they choose their own play. Core play areas such as water play and the sandpit are enhanced with the addition of ice, bubbles, and role play accessories.
Our K4 room is new to everyone, so returning and new children are exploring the variety of activities that are available to them during exploration time. Exploration time is very important for all children as it helps develop social skills as well as knowledge and competences. The role play and construction areas provide a great environment for co-operative play which is essential learning for our class. Creative activities, such as painting and play dough, are also available. The Maths and writing areas provide space for students to develop learning skills.